Livro: Top Notch 2A - Joan Saslow / Allen Ascher - Sebo Online Container Cultura

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Top Notch 2A

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Take your students to the top ! Top Notch , a dynamic 6 - level course for international communication , sets a new standard , using the natural language that people really speak . With a rock - solid learner - centered approach , Top Notch provides students an opportunity to confirm their own sprogress at the end of every easy to  teach two page lesson .

Essential model conversations that make key social language unforgettable and easy to personalize

Intensive vocabulary development with active recycling

Complete grammar support-extended by a bound - in Grammar Booster

" Top Notch Interactions " -unique step - by - step discussion builders that guarantee success for all learners

Thorough attention to pronunciation

A wide array of learning strategies and activities that promote critical thinking

Authentic and refreshing content that connects students to the real world

Container Cultura Serviços de Varejo Ltda - Rua Frederico Weege, 400 - Centro - Pomerode/SC - 89107-000 - CNPJ 23.640.838/0001-45 - e-mail: