Livro: Becoming Your Own Therapist: An Introduction to the Buddhist Way of Thought; And, Make Your Mind an Ocean: Aspects of Buddhist Psychology - Visite a página de Lama Yeshe - Sebo Online Container Cultura

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Becoming Your Own Therapist: An Introduction to the Buddhist Way of Thought; And, Make Your Mind an Ocean: Aspects of Buddhist Psychology

Descrição do Livro

  • Autor: Visite a página de Lama Yeshe
  • Editora: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
  • ISBN: 9781891868139
  • Estante: Inglês e Outros Idiomas
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Peso: 220g
  • Ano: 2003
  • Dimensões: 21.60 x 14.00 x 0.90 cm
  • DESCRIÇÃO: - Livro Usado, higienizado e embalado termicamente. - Amarelamento nas bordas das páginas, causado pela ação do tempo - Manchas leves - No geral, nada que comprometa uma boa leitura - Paginas amassadas
  • Localizador: 66366 / C-B-2-4

História do Livro

BECOMING YOUR OWN THERAPIST An Introduction to the Buddbist Way of Thought These days, people study and train to become psychologists. Lord Buddha's idea is that everybody should become a psychol- ogist. Each of us should know our own mind, you should become your own psychologist. This is definitely possible, every human being has the ability to understand his or her own mind. When you understand your own mind, control follows naturally."-Lama Yesbe MAKE YOUR MIND AN OCEAN Aspects of Buddbist Psychology "To enter the spiritual path, you must begin to understand your own mental attitude and how your mind perceives things. If you're all caught up in attachment to tiny atoms, your limited, craving mind will make it impossible for you to enjoy life's pleas- ures. External energy is so incredibly limited that if you allow yourself to be bound by it, your mind itself will become just as limited. When your mind is narrow, small things easily agitate you. Make your mind an ocean."-Lama Yesbe LAMA THUBTEN YESHE (1935-84) was born in Tibet and educated at the great Sera Monastic University in Lhasa. In 1959 he fled the Chinese oppression and continued his study and practice in Tibetan refugee camps in India. In 1969, with his chief disciple, Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, he began teach- ing Buddhism to Westerners at their Kopan Monastery, Kath- mandu, Nepal, and in 1974, at the invitation of their international students, the Lamas began traveling the world to spread the Dharma. In 1975, they founded the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), an interna- tional Buddhist organization that now numbers more than 150 centers and related activities in 30 countries worldwide.

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