Livro: Behind the Secret Window A Memoir of a Hidden Childhood During Wwii - Nelly S Toll - Sebo Online Container Cultura

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Behind the Secret Window A Memoir of a Hidden Childhood During Wwii

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História do Livro

The Journal... tha life

The Nazis come to Poland when Nelly Toll is six. By the time she turns eight, the events of World War II have destroyed her life and taken almost everyone she loves from her. Scared, lonely, and running from the Nazis, Nelly hides with her mother in the small bedroom of a Gentile couple in Poland.

For over a year, she lives in constant fear of discovery, writing in her diary and painting pictures of a colorful fantasy world filled with friends, open skies, and happy families. Illustrated with Nelly's original watercolors and photographs, this moving and powerful memoir tells the true story of how a little girl's imagination helped her survive a nightmare.

Container Cultura Serviços de Varejo Ltda - Rua Frederico Weege, 400 - Centro - Pomerode/SC - 89107-000 - CNPJ 23.640.838/0001-45 - e-mail: