Livro: WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN - LIONEL SHRIVER - Sebo Online Container Cultura

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Now a major motion picture by Lynne Ramsay, starring Tilda Swinton and John C. Reilly,

Lionel Shriver’s resonant story of a mother’s unsettling quest to understandher teenage son’s deadly violence, her own ambivalence toward motherhood, andthe explosive link between them reverberates with the haunting power of highhopes shattered by dark realities. Like Shriver’s charged and incisive laternovels, including So Much for That and The Post-Birthday WorldWe Need to Talk About Kevin isa piercing, unforgettable, and penetrating exploration of violence, familyties, and responsibility, a book that the Boston Globedescribes as“sometimes searing 

Container Cultura Serviços de Varejo Ltda - Rua Frederico Weege, 400 - Centro - Pomerode/SC - 89107-000 - CNPJ 23.640.838/0001-45 - e-mail: